Thursday, January 6, 2011

Skiing Geography (USA)

The previous post demonstrated that 'climate/terrain' and 'economy' were the most influential in determining the popularity of skiing from country to country.  If we focus within the USA the 'economics' can be dropped as a factor since the range of wealth within USA is practically nothing compared to the range of a global scale.. right?  So, perhaps by looking at the dispersion of Ski areas in America we will see 'climate/terrain' emerge as the priciple influence.

This map surprises me.  At first I wonder if the data is correct, but after reviewing different websites it appears to be fairly accurate.  Someone let me know if the data is incorrect for certain states.  I come from the northwest and know that the figures for Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon are correct.  The biggest surprises for me come from the northeast/midwest.  I really would have thought that the West would have had many more ski areas.  New York, Michigan, and Wicounsin lead the nation!!! That is a surprise.  I guess that the number of ski areas is more dependant on demographics and economics than I thought.  Once again, 'climate/terrain' isn't as influential as I would have thought.

Apparently proximity to population centers is crucial.. and since population centers represent the wealth needed to make ski areas available, it can said that even within USA 'climate/terrain' does not play as important role as one would think, though its influence is probably stronger at a national level than at a global one.

Sorry about the map made on "paint."  If I had some GIS program (and knew how to use it well) I could have produced a better map.  I also apologize to alaska for not giving you credit for your 10 Ski areas.

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